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Bargass880 GA Plan

General Arrangement Plan

Aluminium barge progress

Progress Photo Mar 2020

Alum Landing Craft Construction 1

Progress Photo Mar 2020

Alum Landing Craft Construction 2

Progress Photo Feb 2020


Alum Landing Craft Construction 3

Progress Photo Feb 2020


'Koh Russey' 8.8M Aluminium Landing Craft

The team at Sea Speed are proud to announce the delivery of their new 8.8metre Landing Craft ‘Koh Russey’. Koh Russey is an 8.8 metre, high speed aluminium landing craft built by the SeaCat Ships team in Thailand, arrived at her home port in Sihanoukville, Cambodia last month.   She was delivered by road from Ocean Marina Yacht Club via low loader to the Thailand/Cambodia boarder where the duty-free customs process then took place (SeaCat Ships provided Form D). She then drove the rest of the way by sea, on her own hull to Southern Cambodia to begin life in her new home. See Video

 30 pax landingCraft8.8M Landing Craft

At present this sturdy, multipurpose vessel is now carrying workers and provisions to and from the Island resort of Koh Russey (hence the vessels name) to the mainland. She replaces the old fleet of fishing boats that previously did the job and took between two to three hours travel time per day. The new barge carries the staff at more than twice the speed and half the time, as well as arriving and departing directly to the work sites, via the beach landing. As soon as the resort is complete, she will be having a slight refit and will then be used for Tours and Island transfers for hotel guests.

 Landing Craft 880Koh Rossey Koh Rossey 3D

The award-winning design of this heavy duty, aluminium plate barge model is approved by the Australian commercial vessel standards, NSCV Class 1D for a passenger vessel. This is the fifth landing craft of its kind produced by SeaCat Ships. This landing craft design is a customer favorite due to its versatility, stability and speed. As a result of its popularity, the sixth version was recently completed and is available for immediate purchase! They are both the latest stylized versions with a 6mm plate shell and have the capacity to hold either 32 passengers on side fold-down seating, 2.5 tonne of cargo or a medium sized pick up truck. Koh Russey is powered by single 200 h.p. Suzuki 4 Stroke Outboard engines, giving a fully loaded top speed of 25 knots however twin outboard installation is possible.


Aluminium Landing Craft Video


We are proud to announce that this design has been selected as Best Landing Craft by Work Boat World for 2019.    ’.   




Hull Dimensions

Length (overall) 8.55M Metres

Length (waterline) 7.46M Metres (NSCV)

Beam 3.50 Metres

Depth 1.43 Metres

Draft 400 MM (loaded)


Engines: 1 of Suzuki 4 stroke outboard (200h.p.)

25” long shaft with Tacho, key start and standard instruments.


Lightship speed (approx) 26 knots

Loaded speed (approx) 20 knots (typical load 2.5 tonne)

Loiter speed (approx) 8 knots

Tank Capacities

Fuel (Seperate) 2 of 200 ltr


The vessels are constructed and fitted out in accordance with the requirements of the NSCV code rules for an aluminium passenger vessel and good boat building practice (No Survey Certificate). (32 persons including crew)

Structural Scantlings

Hull bottom plate 6 mm plate

Hull side plate 6 mm plate

Deckhouse plate 4 mm plate

Deck plate 4 mm plate


All hull and deckhouse structure shall be of marine grade aluminium.

Canopy: Fabricated aluminium tube canopy with fabric (sumbrella) cover

Console:Fabricated aluminium console (buffed aluminium) with electronic’s, battery gauges, dc switchboard, and compass fitted above with room for the engine instruments. Electrical switching and controls under.

Bow Door:Fabricated aluminium heavy duty door with four hinge points and rubber seals with watertight retainer. Warne Vantage 2000 winch with 6 mm wire rope starboard side and stainless steel locking devise port.

Deck Coverings

Non Skid painted

Internal Bulkhead Linings

Bulwarks below windows buffed aluminium.

Deck Head Finish

Main cabin Aluminium tube with Sumbrella.


Inspection hatches to be provided of watertight standard to all compartments. These shall be 25mm plate machined pieces with tapped holes for ease in removal.

Ground Gear

Ground gear: 1 X 15 KG SHHP Anchor with 3 Metres of 8mm short link chain and 58 Metres of 10mm Nylon Rope. Mooring Gear: 3 x Inflatable Fenders fitted with 16mm ropes, 3 of 16mm Mooring Ropes.


Fendering: heavy duty aluminium tube to gunnel (buffed aluminium) pipe to be fitted around the perimeter at the hull plus main deck height.

Paint System

Paint system: Hull underwater to be coated with (Jotun) anti-fouling system suitable for area of operation.

Hull topsides: Buffed Aluminium with Nycoat.

Console: To be coated with Vinyl Wrap 3M type.

Decks: Exterior decks to be coated with Jotan non skid paint to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Interiors: Exposed structure Buffed Aluminium with Nycoat,

Vessel's name and insignia shall be applied to the port and starboard and also on the transom with the port of registry.

Draft marks shall to be painted on bow and stern. The vessel’s number shall be center punched on the hull in way of a bulkhead.

Antifowl shall to be Jotun type.


Bollards: Six of fabricated aluminium bollards to be provided suitably arranged to enable safe berthing.

Hand Rails

Handrails: 38 mm aluminium tube hand rails to be provided in way of all passenger space. Rails at not less than 230 mm longitudinal spacing with the lowest handrail course to be not less than 230mm.

Passenger Seating

Seating arrangement shall be in accordance with the general arrangement plan. Helm Seat to be fabricated aluminium with cushions (Sumbrella type) Exterior seating to be aluminium bench seat style (folding with legs and clips) with Marine Carpet cover.

Helm & Electronic Equipment

Electronics (Helm) 1 x Garman 4G, Radar, 1 x ICOM IC-M304 VHF Marine Radio with Banten Antenna, 1 x Ritchie 76mm Compass. The helm console shall include all engine instrumentation. Eg: voltmeter, tachometer, oil and temperature gauges,etc.

Safety Equipment List

35 x Coastal Life Jackets

1 x dry chemical fire extinguisher (5.5 Ltr)

1 x Portable horn

Pyros’ (3 x parachute, 2 red/1 orange hand held) in box

1 x First Aid Kit (Scale G)

1 x Life buoy with light

1 fire bucket

2 x torch

1 x boat hook

Bilge Pumping Arrangement

Bilge pumping system: arrangement shall be in accordance with the NSCV code requirements. Bilge Arrangement 2 x Manual Bilge Pumps (Whale Gusher, double acting) fitted with flexible hoses, 6 x Voids, each void contains a spin-out inspection port and fixed bilge suction/sounding with cam lock fittings.

Fuel System

Fuel tanks: two (2) of 200 ltr seperate fuel tanks to be installed above deck. The tanks shall be fully welded marine grade aluminium with aluminium fittings. (Filler pipe, inspection manhole ports, vents, etc). Fuel oil filter assembly or equivalent shall be provided.

Steering System

Steering and Control System: Throttle and Trim controls, Sea Star steering system including talon wheel and fuel system.


Batteries: Three (3) of 12volt 200ah lead acid batteries are to be supplied. Two (2) for main engines plus house bank plus one (1) of 12 volt 100ah for winch battery. The batteries are to be secured in acid proof boxes. All boxes are to be properly vented. All battery leads shall be 20 rubber insulated welding cable with disconnect switches. The start lead cables shall be run as direct as possible.

Electrical System

All cables shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Standard.

The system supplied and extent of wiring shall be as listed below.

Vessel completely wired with marine grade wire and fittings, 3 x 200 AH batteries fitted in battery boxes enclosed in aluminium compartments with DC Switch Board, breakers and switches, All round white navigation Light, 1 x Spotlight.

Switches and circuit breakers shall be compatible with the circuit loading specified and approved by the electrician. Suitable cathodic hull protection devices shall be used as required.The main switching is at the helm console.



Contact Information

Sea Speed Pty Ltd. P.O. BOX 773 Aspley 4034, Brisbane Australia

Phone Int 668 04406355


























Contact Information

Sea Speed Pty Ltd.

P.O. BOX 773 Aspley 4034, Brisbane Australia

Phone +61 7 3862 9988

Fax +61 7 3862 9488

Mobile Paul 0417 770 769

Email SeaSpeedDesign
Copyright © 2005 -2008 Sea Speed Pty Ltd

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